Synonym of quality, compliance and professionalism for the peace of mind of our clients.
La Marisa is a family business committed to satisfy its clients, preserve the environment and work in team.
For many years, we have produced bricks for construction with very good quality products.
We have a qualified and specialized staff for the production, quality control, sale, and logistics of our products.
Hard standard brick , soft standard brick , rustick brick, selected rustic brick, half facing brick
The manufacturing process of our products includes the following stages: preparation of clay with raw materials of natural origin and recycled materials, shaping, drying, stowage, baking and classification. All these stages are performed in a handmade way with specialized labor.
The quality of our products is guaranteed manually by complying with market standards, thus allowing us to satisfy the needs of our clients.
We have our own transportation and qualified staff to make a timely delivery of your request. We always have stock.
La Marisa is interested in the environment and aims to minimize the environmental impact of the manufacturing of its products. To promote a positive and conscious attitude about the care of our planet, our products are manufactured in a handmade way with 100% natural, top quality raw materials.
Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tel. 5263-2147 - (+54 911) 6710 7954
Ruta Nro. 3 - Km. 52,700
Cañuelas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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